Completely blessed
November 1, 2008, 1:37 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today has been amazing. All my classes were easy and I got to come home today and see Grace. We hung out and handed out candy to trick or treaters. Then watched movies and caught up. I am always amazed by her – always. And this post is just about us. We have been friends since I moved to Thomasville in 2004, and although we didn’t date until ten days before I left for school, she continues to be one of my absolute best and truest friends. If I have a major problem, or just want to talk to someone, I know that I can call her. I cannot put enough information in this post as I want to, but here are just some of the things about her that amaze me on a daily basis.

She is always careful, not in the safety sense for these purposes, but in her actions. She thinks things through and makes the decision that would be best for her. As an example, we were making candy bags for some friends up here and me being me threw all the candy in the bags. She, on the other hand, thought about the bags ripping and spilling the candy everywhere, so she organized the candy in the bag. It sounds OCD, I know, but it makes sense. This leads me to my next point.

She cares about other people like no other. In that example, not only does it tell about her carefulness to make the right decision for herself, but she considers how it will effect others. I never would have thought about all that. I thought about the kids finding things unfair, but not the inconvienece of have a bag break. She always amazes me.

If you read this Grace, I just want you to know how INCREDIBLY blessed I am to call you, my bestfriend, my girlfriend. And even though we are separated by about 200 miles, I would do ANYTHING for you.

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